You can see a corridor with big data storages. You can see a corridor with big data storages.

Onze inzet voor kwaliteit

Met kwaliteit bedoelen we dat we de belangen van onze klanten kennen en dat we op een optimale manier reageren op hun eisen, vragen en problemen. De behoeften en verwachtingen van de klant worden consequent vastgesteld en gespecificeerd in de vorm van vaste eisen.


Verantwoordelijkheid management

Het kader voor ons managementsysteem wordt gevormd door richtlijnen die door de Raad van Bestuur zijn vastgesteld en gepubliceerd. Ons geïntegreerde managementsysteem stelt strenge eisen aan de kwaliteit van onze dienstverlening. Naast de onderliggende DIN EN ISO 9001-norm, voldoen we aan veel industrie-specifieke normen.

Als onderdeel van zijn verantwoordelijkheid ten opzichte van het bedrijf, stelt de Raad van Bestuur het bedrijfsbeleid vast en zet strategische doelen om in de behoeften van onze klanten te voorzien. Als onderdeel van zijn verantwoordelijkheden zorgt het uitvoerend management ervoor dat voldoende materiële en personele middelen beschikbaar worden gesteld voor de instandhouding en ontwikkeling van het managementsysteem en het bedrijf als geheel.

Ons geïntegreerde managementsysteem

Ons uniforme, procesgerichte en geïntegreerde managementsysteem wordt beheerd vanuit ons hoofdkantoor in Holzwickede, Duitsland. Daarnaast hebben wij een QM-organisatie opgezet, die garant staat voor een soepele communicatie tussen hoofdkantoor en filialen, zowel top-down als bottom-up.

Ons geïntegreerde managementsysteem is een belangrijk hulpmiddel voor de Raad van Bestuur en voor alle personeel op managementniveau, omdat het helpt om belangrijke verbeteringen in onze organisatie door te voeren.

You can see two peolpe in a control room.
[Translate to Dutch:]


You can see a skyline of a big city.


Onze gestandaardiseerde processen stellen ons in staat om snel nieuwe locaties op te nemen in het geïntegreerde managementsysteem en om bestaande normen snel over te dragen naar bestaande locaties.

You can see a laptop on a table.

Onze kwaliteit meten

Onze processen worden regelmatig gemonitord met behulp van kritieke prestatie-indicatoren. Dit is hoe we de kwaliteit van onze producten voor onze klanten voortdurend kunnen verbeteren en garanderen.

You can see a server room.


We stellen onze belangrijkste cijfers vast op basis van kwalitatieve en kwantitatieve criteria. We zetten deze in verhouding tot elkaar om de kwaliteit van onze processen te meten en te handhaven.

Corporate IT – de digitale toekomst van logistiek

Huidige onderwerpen, zoals data-analyse, AI (kunstmatige intelligentie), modern identiteitsmanagement en de digitale werkplek, zijn slecht één deel van onze algemene toekomstbestendige strategie. Als interne dienstverlener, ondersteunt Corporate IT alle onderdelen van de Rhenus Group met IT-middelen, dienstverlening en individuele software-oplossingen. De belangrijkste focus ligt op het creëren van een gebruikersgerichte en probleemloze werkdag. IT-experts in acht verschillende afdelingen voldoen dagelijks aan marktvereisten.

Het hart van Corporate IT is te vinden op de campus in Holzwickede. Alle bedrijfsgerelateerde gegevens van Rhenus worden hier opgeslagen op de server farms van twee onderling verbonden datacentra. Dankzij een zelfvoorzienend aanbod, garandeert de complete infrastructuur een beschikbaarheid van meer dan 99,9 proces in geval van escalatie. Qua betrouwbaarheid voldoet het aan de eisen en kwaliteit die de internationaal erkende “Tier 3-norm” stelt. Dankzij de vergaarde ISO-certificeringen garanderen jaarlijkse audits ook naleving van officiële normen voor informatiebeveiliging.

You can see a server room
[Translate to Dutch:]

Certificeringen en documentatie van onze efficiëntie

De basis voor ons geïntegreerde managementsysteem wordt aangeboden door DIN EN ISO 9001. Ons hoofdkantoor en voor zover mogelijk al onze vestigingen zijn volgens deze norm gecertificeerd. Daarnaast zijn er andere normen geïmplementeerd in ons hoofdkantoor en in onze vestigingen op basis van de vereisten van onze klanten.

Onze locaties buiten Duitsland zijn, deels, gecertificeerd binnen onze Group. Daarnaast zijn er locaties die rechtstreeks ter plaatse zijn gecertificeerd door certificeringspartners.


ISO 9001 plays a key role within the Rhenus Group management system because all further industry standards are developed on the basis of the requirements it establishes.

For the Rhenus Group, quality is the understanding of customer concerns in order to respond to their requirements, questions and problems. Customer needs and expectations are determined consistently and specified precisely with the aim of gaining the customer's trust in the provided services.

Fulfilling the requirements of this standard helps the branches and sites within the Rhenus Group to supply high-quality services and fulfil the expectations of the customers in question, as well as comply with legal and official requirements.

Within the Rhenus Group, ISO 9001 is an indispensable tool for continually improving profitability and market success.

ISO 9001 forms the basis for further industry-specific certification.

ISO 14001 makes it possible for us to continuously monitor, analyse and improve our environmental situation.

With the aid of an environment management system compliant with ISO 14001, we are able to ensure ongoing planning and implementation of environment protection measures at the certified sites and branches and, in this way, reduce our environmental impact.

Our overarching aim is, therefore, to promote environmental protection and prevent environmental damage, in harmony with economic, social and political requirements. At the same time, ISO 14001 forms the basis for certification of our environment management system.


Environmentally friendly customer solutions and the efficient use of resources is a self-evident in all business areas of the Rhenus Group. By developing sustainable logistics concepts and constantly improving our environmentally relevant processes, we contribute to the prevention of environmental pollution and increase our environmental performance and energy efficiency. All sites are environmentally conscious, and the Rhenus Group complies with the regulations and standards for environmental protection. We deal responsibly and conserve natural resources and energy. The full life cycle of products and services from use to disposal and recycling is a particular focus of the business activities in the Rhenus Group. The monitoring is carried out by strategic and operational indicators as well as location related key figures, which are evaluated by the management board on the annual management review. Environmental protection is a management task, supervisors have role models. With these principles of environmental policy, employees are obliged to act in an environmentally responsible manner.

    We comply with all applicable environmental laws an regulations of the countries in which we operate.
    We define and monitor strategic and operational environmental and energy targets.
    We plan and implement environmental programs and regularly audit our environmental management systems.
    By factual information we create trust among the public and among our customers.
    We want to avoid environmental damage in all operating conditions. As far as economically feasible, we use the best available technology.
    We promote the environmental awareness of the employees at all levels through training.
    We communicate environmental issues, potential risks and contingency plans to employees and possibly public interest groups.
    External companies operating at our locations are informed about our environmental policy and incorporated into our activities.
    We use energy efficiently and economically. Through technical and organizational measures, we minimize the incidence of residues, waste, polluting emissions and wastewater.    

For the Rhenus Group, information security means making the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information a strategic success factor in order to demonstrate the trust that our customers, our business partners and the general public place in us for all to see.

In accordance with the internationally recognised ISO/IEC 27001 standard, our information security management system (ISMS) ensures that risks are identified and assessed and that measures to ensure information security are planned, implemented and monitored.

Our sites that deliver services to customers from the automotive industry are certified according to VDA 6.2.

VDA 6.2 is aimed at service providers in the automotive industry, both internally (development, logistics, purchasing, etc.) and externally (developers, prototype manufacturers, logistics firms, etc.).

Service processes are generally subject to different criteria than those required for production processes. In the case of service processes, the focus is on intangible services. The provision and rendering of a service form a single unit.

By implementing the requirements of VDA 6.2, we are able to fulfil essential requirements of our customers in the automotive industry.

According to the definition in the "Principles of GLP" set out by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), good laboratory practice (GLP) is "a quality system concerned with the organisational process and the conditions under which non-clinical health and environmental safety studies are planned, performed, monitored, recorded, archived and reported".

Our sites certified according to this standard thereby ensure that all audit data is entered correctly and completely in audit reports which are presented to the authorities, and so can provide their customers from the pharmaceutical industry with evidence of a quality assurance system for health and environmental safety studies.

Good manufacturing practice (GMP) means quality assurance of production procedures and production environments, during the production of medical products and ingredients, on the one hand, and of foodstuffs and animal feed, on the other.

Particularly for customers from the pharmaceutical industry, quality assurance plays a key role because any quality variation can have a direct impact on consumer health.

Relevant sites of our company are certified according to GMP and have set up a GMP-compliant quality management system in order to guarantee optimum quality and meet the requirements of the public health authorities.

HACCP stands for hazard analysis and critical control points.

The purpose of this concept is to identify, assess and control significant hazards caused by foodstuffs.

Thanks to their certification in accordance with HACCP, our sites whose customers come from the food industry document all HACCP analyses that are carried out in full.

IFS, which stands for International Food Standard, is a concept which combines the requirements of ISO 9001 with those of the HACCP analysis to create an integrated system. This means that the IFS Logistics standard is specifically tailored to the services of the logistics industry and focuses primarily on food safety.

The IFS Logistics standard also helps to promote transparency throughout the entire supply chain from industry to retailer, and takes a risk-orientated approach.

The safety quality and assessment system (SQAS) provides a tool for the uniform assessment of a logistics service provider’s quality, safety and environment management systems. For this purpose, independent assessors are employed, and a standardised questionnaire is used.

Successfully passing an SQAS audit is an indicator of our constant efforts to make our firm’s logistics solutions safer and more environmentally friendly.

The system gives us direct, useful feedback on the strengths and weaknesses identified during the assessment. Moreover, we can give specific feedback to the customer upon evaluating the assessment results. In this way, the groundwork for a genuine partnership is laid down or reinforced, to the mutual benefit of both parties.

All German-based sites of the Rhenus Group comply with the requirements of the Energy Services Act (EDLG) and are certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 50001 or have an energy audit carried out in accordance with DIN EN 16247.

In addition, some foreign sites that belong to the previous certification matrix for other standards will also be included.

An energy management system promotes the sustainable protection of the environment and the conservation of our resources. It is important to ensure that we continuously improve the energy efficiency of our operations at all branches and make them more sustainable in order to fulfil our duty to future generations.

The Rhenus Group undertakes to improve energy-related services on an ongoing basis.

The nature and scope of energy used and consumed at the sites should be appropriate.

All information and resources needed to achieve strategic and operational targets should be available.

Furthermore, the Rhenus Group undertakes to comply with all applicable legal regulations and other requirements agreed by the organisation with regard to energy usage, energy consumption and energy efficiency.

Strategic and operational energy targets are defined and reviewed in the energy management system. These are based on the following targets:

  • Increase energy efficiency
  • Reduce CO2 load
  • Increase competitiveness through cost savings

We support the purchase of energy-efficient products and services that are designed to improve energy performance.

The "Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act" (which is in regard to the placement of electrical and electronic equipment on the market, as well as the collection and disposal of said equipment, as of 20 October 2015) aims to implement manufacturers’ product responsibility for electrical and electronic equipment under waste law.

This pursues the following objectives:

  • Protection of health and the environment against harmful substances from electrical and electronic equipment
  • Reduction of waste quantities through reuse or recycling

Here, too, the Rhenus Group is aware of its responsibility. Certification according to the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act is being developed and rolled out on an ongoing basis.