You can see a road in a rural setting. You can see a road in a rural setting.


In addition to our values, the Corporate Principles are fixed company guidelines that govern the actions of our employees and shape our corporate culture. We place great importance on compliance with these Corporate Principles, which are valid worldwide.


Corporate principles: Focus on customer needs and wishes

To reach this goal, our decentralised business units focus on specific services and target groups. This allows us to successfully react to the needs of our business partners.

Our employees are an important asset that drives our growth – this is why Rhenus offers them many development opportunities. This is the only way we can guarantee the satisfaction of our customers.

You can see two men working at a port.

Our customers

This is why we do everything we can to make our customers’ business easier in terms of logistics, improve their productivity and make them more attractive in the market. Satisfied customers are at the heart of the success of our daily work and therefore of our Rhenus.

In order to offer our customers optimal services and products, we need highly motivated staff. Targeted initial and further training of our employees is a solid foundation.

The quality of our services and products determines whether customers are satisfied. Comprehensive quality assurance systems document our commitment to service and product excellence. We can only achieve this goal if our employees share our commitment to "maximum quality".

We always set high standards for the return on capital invested so that we can efficiently implement investments and innovations. This enables us to offer our customers high-quality products and services at attractive prices. Investments in research, development, technology and training help us to ensure long-term success.

As part of society, we accept our social responsibility and are committed to improving the public good and protecting the environment and natural resources. For us, economics and ecology are not opposites. Therefore, bringing them as close together as possible is a fundamental principle of our corporate philosophy.

Konanie v súlade s právnym a etickým/morálnym rámcom si vyžaduje vysokú úroveň osobnej integrity. Od všetkých našich zamestnancov očakávame, že sa budú správať správne. Podrobnosti o našom kódexe správania sú definované v brožúre o dodržiavaní firemných pravidiel.

You can see two people with working clothes
You can see two people with working clothes


The Rhenus Group supports the implementation of human rights in accordance with the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).

No child labour

Any kind of child labour is prohibited in the Rhenus Group. The minimum age of employees is governed by the relevant state laws or collective bargaining agreements, provided that these do not fall below the minimum employment age laid down in the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention.

No discrimination

Rhenus promotes equal opportunities and equal treatment for workers and does not discriminate on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin, gender, religion or beliefs, disability, age or sexual orientation.

Remuneration and working hours

The Rhenus Group complies with the relevant national regulations on working hours, wages and salaries and benefits.

No forced labour

The Rhenus Group rejects any form of forced labour.

Occupational health and safety

As varied as the business areas and activities in the Rhenus Group are, so too are the requirements for occupational health and safety. The organisational structure of occupational health and safety within the Rhenus Group therefore ensures that country and business-specific requirements are taken into account and implemented. A clear assignment of responsibilities within the organisation establishes the topics of occupational health and safety at management level.

You can see a person working on a crane at a port.

As a logistics service provider, our workforce and the health and safety of our employees are our most important assets. Our holistic approach is therefore based on the technical and organisational possibilities within the process cycles, followed by the factors of individual safety behaviour and the culture of occupational safety. The focus is on the provision of healthy and safe working conditions, intuitively safe and ergonomic workplaces, as well as interpersonal and intrapersonal behavioural motives in work processes. In the interest of a zero-accident culture, we analyse the working environment and processes in a safety-oriented manner in order to create operationally compliant solutions and conditions, as well as regulations for occupational health and safety.

Central management structures and processes are supplemented by system-based controlling to ensure compliance with legal, regulatory and other requirements as a matter of course, thereby laying the foundation for sustainable corporate success. The defined requirements and documentation are implemented with customised in-house IT systems. Systems for learning and exchange at team, branch and corporate group level constantly strengthen the prevention of accidents and work-related illnesses, as well as the improvement of the occupational safety organisation.

The Health & Safety Service Centre and a large number of branches have already been certified according to ISO 45001. By continuously developing our standards and methods, we strengthen our management system independently of certification through a dialogue with our employees based on partnership. This includes low-barrier reporting options for occupational health and safety information via mobile devices, as well as the active, personal involvement of the workforce in the design and improvement of occupational health and safety. In this way, we maintain a zero-accident culture in which we value every employee as an expert in his or her workplace and as part of our occupational safety culture.