Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG)

Multiple people standing behind a laptop and files
Multiple people standing behind a laptop and files

The Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) came into force on 1 January 2023. This means that the Rhenus Group, which is headquartered in Germany, has to comply with special due diligence obligations in the supply chain. We see it as our duty to protect human rights and comply with environmental standards. We therefore expressly support binding requirements such as the LkSG and the "European Supply Chain Act", the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD).

The Rhenus Group has developed measures to ensure compliance with human rights and environmental standards. These measures not only cover internal company risks, but also include our suppliers in accordance with legal requirements.

Our top priority is to recognise human rights and environmental violations at an early stage and actively prevent them. Where this is not completely successful, we do everything we can to minimise or end them immediately. To this end, we continuously optimise our processes and take additional steps where necessary.

Implementation of due diligence obligations

At Rhenus, we have prepared intensively for the implementation of the requirements of the LkSG. Comprehensive measures have been implemented together with all relevant departments, including the following:

Our statement of principles summarises the social and ecological standards that we observe in accordance with the requirements of the LkSG. It clarifies our expectations of our employees and business partners with regard to responsible behaviour.

We have established a comprehensive risk management system to effectively implement the requirements of the LkSG. This system combines preventative measures, such as reviewing suppliers and contractual conditions, with reactive processes in order to be able to respond quickly and effectively to identified risks.

Our suppliers are bound by contractual clauses and our Supplier Code of Conduct to comply with human rights and environmental standards. In order to ensure that potential risks with regard to social and environmental standards can be identified and dealt with at an early stage, new suppliers are subjected to a risk-based assessment before a contract is signed.

Our employees and business partners receive regular training on topics such as human rights, environmental protection and reporting procedures in order to keep them up to date with the latest information.

Our established whistleblower system makes it possible to anonymously and securely report suspected violations of compliance relevance such as corruption, antitrust violations, fraud, theft, embezzlement and possible violations of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) such as human rights violations, sexual harassment, discrimination and environmental violations. All procedures for dealing with reports are set out in clearly structured rules of procedure.

To fulfil our reporting obligations, we publish a comprehensive annual report on the implementation of the LkSG.

With these measures, we are pursuing the goal of consistently protecting and continuously improving human rights and environmental standards along our supply chain.

Please contact us if you have any questions: lksg[at]