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Focus on sustainability: Rhenus Home Delivery and Rhenus Special Delivery move into new location in Hilden

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Press Release

The Düsseldorf branch of Rhenus Home Delivery moved to Hilden in August 2022. The total floor space of the new location measures around 15,000 square metres. The new construction was designed and built according to the most modern standards. Rhenus Home Delivery pays particular attention to the issue of sustainability.

The new branch in Hilden has received a gold certification from the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB). The site is supplied with electricity via a photovoltaic system with a capacity of 750 kilovolt amperes (KvA). An initial ten charging points for e-cars and e-utility vehicles are available and charging capacities can be further expanded in the future thanks to an empty conduit concept and an additional transformer. The buildings are heated and cooled using heat pumps amongst other things. A green façade on the east side and spacious terraces with green areas for staff round off the image of a modern and sustainable new building.

The Hilden branch, which has been christened the “Hilden Gate” because of its location at the gates of Hilden, comprises more than 12,000 square metres of storage and handling space framing three office complexes totalling around 3,000 square metres. Rhenus Special Delivery management and administration will move into the office complex, which is also state-of-the-art. Warehouse staff will benefit in particular from the more effective cross-docking areas with opposing gates for incoming and outgoing goods. The significantly higher number of 20 loading gates in comparison with the former location in Düsseldorf is especially advantageous. “Compared to standard sites in particular, we benefit from the large number of loading gates, which is an absolute plus given our high throughput of goods,” explains Ronny Sassen, CEO of Rhenus Home Delivery.

Hilden supplies large parts of western North Rhine-Westphalia, the Rhineland and parts of the Ruhr region and Münsterland, for which the site's direct connections to the A3 and A46 motorways provide an ideal basis. The services offered by the branches include two-man delivery handling including an assembly service, as well as warehouse and handling logistics, returns processing and smaller consignment storage. The goods to be handled are particularly bulky products such as large electrical appliances, furniture and e-bikes.

The Rhenus Group is one of the leading logistics specialists with global business operations and annual turnover amounting to EUR 7.0 billion. 37,500 employees work at 970 business sites and develop innovative solutions along the complete supply chain. Whether providing transport, warehousing, customs clearance or value-added services, the family-owned business pools its operations in various business units where the needs of customers are the major focus at all times.

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Reiner Kolberg

Region Germany, Austria, Switzerland