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Brexit: Rhenus UK provides information on important changes

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Rhenus News

Rhenus UK informs its customers about important changes following the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union via a specially created information page and a checklist.

The United Kingdom officially left the EU on 31 January 2020. While negotiations on the future regulations are continuing throughout the year, there are already important precautions that customers can take to secure their supply chains.

All key information and a step-by-step checklist will help customers prepare for the changes that will be introduced after 31 December 2020. This includes registration for an EORI number, signing up for the Transitional Simplified Procedure (TSP) as well as information on the new customs formalities. The complete checklist is available here:


Further information on Brexit and its impact on international trade as well as the opportunities that Rhenus offers its customers to make the transition and also the further movement of goods as easy as possible can be found here:

further Brexit information