Pascal Gouteix

Pascal Gouteix | Senior Outside Sales | Air & Ocean USA
Located in Atlanta, USA

I love sales.

What I like about Rhenus Logistics is that it is a rather large company, which means that you can count on a solid partner when working with us. It is a privately held company, which means it takes care of its people. It is a company that has an entrepreneurial mindset, which means that we all have a part to play.

Recently, I took part in a project that involved a global company which specialised in nanotechnology and protective surfaces. What was exciting about this project was the nature of the cargo and its applications. How cool it is to be the one shipping commodities such as this. What was also exciting was to put all the pieces of that puzzle together during the discovery phase of the process, allocate the right resources within the Rhenus network, quote the lanes accordingly and start moving the shipments.

After work, I spend valuable time with my wife and three children. Discussing their days, their plans... I also enjoy spending time reading for 30 minutes to an hour before I go to bed and recharge my batteries to be ready for another exciting day at Rhenus.