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Swedish company Swedlink becomes Rhenus

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Press Release

The Swedish logistics specialist, which has operated under the Swedlink name up to now, will use the Rhenus Logistics AB brand with immediate effect. The company is headquartered in Malmö with another branch in the capital, Stockholm and has been part of the Rhenus Group since the end of 2019. The renaming process consolidates the company’s integration within the Rhenus network.

The Scandinavian logistics specialist primarily focuses on shipments to Western Europe and on freight traffic between the Scandinavian countries. Its primary markets include Germany and Italy, alongside Sweden. It serves them via regional hubs in Stockholm, Malmö, Jönköping in the province of Småland as well as Gothenburg. Even though the company will now be using the new Rhenus brand, Swedlink will maintain its independence as a company with local and regional operations.

“The personal contacts between our employees and customers, many of whom we have known for years, are extremely important for us. It was an easy decision to become part of the Rhenus Group, as we fully share its approach of focusing on customers and its values as a family-managed logistics specialist. We’re proud to be able to demonstrate our connections by using the same name in future”, says Claes Ostrander, Managing Director of Rhenus Logistics AB.

The takeover by Rhenus is the result of a process of trust that has grown through years of partnership which started with the founding of Swedlink in 2013. Swedish customers can now benefit from the links and services offered by the Rhenus Group.

“Thanks to our integration within the Rhenus Group, we can offer our Swedish customers a more closely-knit, European road network with greater synchronisation and more routes. These benefits will be supplemented by the experience and capacity that Rhenus can offer along the complete supply chain in the field of multimodal transport operations, warehousing and customs clearance”, says Claes Ostrander.

Rhenus in Sweden also plans to offer more IT-based solutions like the Rhenus Track & Trace system and services such as automatised CO2 assessments in future.

The Rhenus Group is a leading logistics service provider with global business operations and annual turnover of EUR 5.5 billion. Rhenus has business sites at 750 locations worldwide and employs 33,000 people. The Rhenus Group provides solutions for a wide variety of different sectors along the complete supply chain; they include multimodal transport operations, warehousing, customs clearance as well as innovative value-added services.

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