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Rhenus Port Logistics Rhine-Ruhr is a new “startport” partner

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Rhenus News

Rhenus Port Logistics Rhein-Ruhr has joined the partner network of the “duisport” subsidiary, “startport”.

Rhenus Port Logistics will promote the “startport” start-up hub in digitalising logistics in the Rhine-Ruhr region in its role as a partner. The new partner is supporting the innovation platform for logistics and supply chains through this new cooperation arrangement.

Rhenus Port Logistics: a strong partner for “startport”
The Rhenus Group’s port terminals along European waterways guarantee smooth operations for supply chains. “Our ports not only serve as hubs for the multimodal transhipment and transportation of goods, but also as sites that provide intermediate storage. We’re currently occupied with equipping the Rhine-Ruhr sites with digital and intelligent solutions along the entire supply chain. This or that start-up within “startport” could certainly be very helpful for us in this process,” says Michael Petersmann, explaining this development; he is the Managing Director of Rhenus Port Logistics Rhine-Ruhr, which is part of the Rhenus Group, one of the leading logistics specialists worldwide. The Group brings together a wide range of business divisions: ranging from automotive to third-party logistics, warehousing, outsourcing and planning and even customs clearance.

The “startport” start-ups will also benefit from this Rhenus expertise in future. Johannes Franke, the Managing Director of “startport”, is delighted by the latest addition. “We’ve gained an international logistics specialist backed by the global network of the Rhenus Group in the shape of Rhenus Port Logistics Rhine-Ruhr. Its enormous experience in digitalisation and in the specific requirements for supply chains for port logistics and operations further inland will provide a boost for both us and our start-ups as an innovation platform in this sector!”

Pilot projects between partners and start-ups
“startport”, which is a subsidiary of Duisburger Hafen AG, has established a strong partner network in its five years of existence. Other regional stakeholders such as Bohnen Logistik, Duisburg Intermodal Terminal and Wirtschaftsbetriebe Duisburg have already joined. Among other things, they are connected to specific start-ups in so-called innovation challenges and can therefore successfully launch pilot projects. Thanks to having this new format at “startport”, customised innovations are assigned to the correct companies and this boosts developments at the site in Duisburg. The partners are also boosting entrepreneurship in the field of logistics and supply chains at the Duisburg site through the support from the programme.

“startport” at a glance
startport GmbH is a subsidiary of the Port of Duisburg and is involved in initiating a creative culture for innovations and actively promoting developments in the field of logistics and supply chains. With this in mind, it supports and challenges young start-ups, which are developing forward-looking ideas for the leading logistics hub at the heart of Europe together with “duisport” and the companies based there.