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Rhenus obtains CEIV Pharma certification in France

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Press Release

Rhenus Air & Ocean has successfully obtained the CEIV Pharma (Center of Excellence for Independent Validators in Pharmaceutical Logistics) certification from the International Air Transport Association (IATA) for four of its French branches specialising in Air & Ocean freight forwarding. The certificate was handed over to Rhenus at IATA's offices in Paris.

The IATA CEIV Pharma certification ensures that Rhenus fulfils the compliance requirements for handling pharmaceutical products, such as the European Union's Good Distribution Practice (GDP), the World Health Organization's pharmacopeia standards, and IATA's temperature control regulations. It covers operations such as handling and transportation of pharmaceutical products, personnel skills, procedures, risk assessment, and infrastructure.

"We congratulate Rhenus on achieving CEIV Pharma certification. This certification demonstrates the company's commitment to providing quality service and reliable management of pharmaceutical shipments. The achievement of the certification was achieved thanks to the involvement of all Rhenus teams, along with a high level of commitment and expertise," underlined Robert Chad, Area Manager France, Belgium, Netherlands and Southern Europe at IATA.

The CEIV Pharma certification covers the Rhenus Air & Ocean offices in Lyon, Paris (Roissy CDG), Rouen, and Strasbourg. It has already been obtained by Rhenus Air & Ocean for its branches located at the Amsterdam Schiphol Airport in the Netherlands and at the Istanbul Airport in Türkiye. A global network is thus being built, allowing Rhenus to fully comply with the pharmaceutical industry's regulatory requirements by setting the highest standards in terms of service, quality, product integrity and patient safety.

"The IATA CEIV Pharma certification represents a significant step in the professionalisation of our international transport services for shippers in the Life Sciences and Healthcare sectors," says Christophe Barreau, Managing Director of Rhenus Air & Ocean France.
In France, Rhenus now counts six offices specialised in air, ocean and multimodal freight forwarding (Lyon, Marseille, Paris, Rouen and Strasbourg), including one in La Réunion, which joined the network at the beginning of 2023.

Contact Presse Rhenus en France
Florence Aubergier
Medienbüro am Reichstag GmbH – Office France
[email protected]
Tél: +33 6 60 16 02 95

The Rhenus Group is one of the leading logistics specialists with global business operations and annual turnover amounting to EUR 7.0 billion. 37,500 employees work at 970 business sites and develop innovative solutions along the complete supply chain. Whether providing transport, warehousing, customs clearance or value-added services, the family-owned business pools its operations in various business units where the needs of customers are the major focus at all times.