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Rhenus Freight Industry Solutions receives an award for its innovative Industry 4.0 solution

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Press Release

The Rhenus Freight Industry Solutions unit received an award from the state of Baden-Württemberg for its special solutions in the field of Industry 4.0 on 7 November. The “smart sourcing” concept to manage supply chains in an intelligent manner for customers won the prize.

A jury of experts selected Rhenus Freight Industry Solutions as one of the “100 sites for Industry 4.0 in Baden-Württemberg”. Thomas Prill, Head of Sales & Business Development, and André Remy, Head of Supply Chain Solutions, accepted the certificate from Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, the Baden-Württemberg Minister for Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing, at the New Palace in Stuttgart.

The “smart sourcing” concept, which attracted the prize, actively monitors and manages the complete transportation and flow of information, the processes, the suppliers and the logistics partners. The key success factors in the concept are the web-based communications platform known as RSCC (Rhenus Supply Chain Connect), the control tower that is used and the standardised management of partners. All the procedures are handled fully automatically, ranging from the request sent to the supplier (order) to the transport advice note and even settling accounts with the transport service companies.

The control tower recognises and resolves any disruptions that occur before they become a problem. The faults that happen are documented in a ticket system, assessed and then remedied at source using a standardised partner and supplier management system. As a result, the supply chain is transparent and maintained in such a way that logistics costs, for example, can be reduced in the long term through reductions in stocks or optimising or eliminating processes.

“The award confirms our successful approach of developing innovative concepts together with our customers by talking to them. The fact that we’re receiving the award in one of the leading business regions in Europe is a matter of pride for us,” said André Remy, Head of Supply Chain Solutions at Rhenus Freight Industry Solutions. Rhenus Freight Industry Solutions received an award for its work in 2015 too – the “AKJ Automotive elogistics award” on that occasion.

The German federal state is presenting awards for innovative and successfully implemented solutions for digitising value creation in industry and skilled trades by means of the competition entitled “100 sites for Industry 4.0 in Baden-Württemberg”. The key criteria are the degree of innovation, market relevance and practicability.

The Rhenus Group is a logistics services provider with global business operations and annual turnover of EUR 4.6 billion. Rhenus has business locations at over 500 locations worldwide and employs more than 26,000 people. The Rhenus business areas – Contract Logistics, Freight Logistics and Port Logistics – manage complex supply chains and provide a wealth of innovative value-added services.

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