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Podcast-Episode 8: E-commerce boom

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In recent years, more people than ever before have ordered something online. This increased demand is usually referred to as the e-commerce boom. Since more goods consequently have to be stored and delivered, this boom also affects warehouse logistics. Storage areas have had to be expanded and processes optimised in order to facilitate the handling of large order volumes and ensure the necessary storage capacities.

In the new episode of ‘Logistics People Talk’, the corporate podcast of the Rhenus Group, Kerry Delaney, Managing Director of Rhenus Warehousing Solutions Lutterworth in the UK, and Szczepan Gowin, International Sector Leader for E-commerce within Rhenus Warehousing Solutions (based in Poland), give an insight into the past developments and future plans of warehouse logistics. They talk about how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed consumer behaviour and what modifications this has brought about for warehouse logistics in terms of adaptability and process operations. Listeners will also learn how e-commerce factors into the future plans of the Rhenus Group and how the logistics service provider incorporates sustainability into the building of new warehouses as well as the creation of innovative warehousing and delivery processes.

Have a listen!

Note: A version with German and English subtitles can be found here.

Logistics People Talk | Episode 8
Logistics People Talk

Kerry Delaney and Szczepan Gowin talk about the e-commerce boom and give an insight into the challenges of warehousing during the pandemic and how sustainability factors into future warehouse plans.



Logistics People Talk | Episode 8

Logistics People Talk


Kerry Delaney and Szczepan Gowin talk about the e-commerce boom and give an insight into the challenges of warehousing during the pandemic and how sustainability factors into future warehouse plans.