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:people! and Rhenus KundenProfi are given a new name

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Press Release

The Rhenus BPO companies :people! and KundenProfi were combined as of 8 October to operate using the new name of “Rhenus :people!”; this coincides with their 20th anniversaries. The joint brand stands for professional and solution-oriented customer management services within Rhenus BPO Services GmbH.

The two companies comprise three firms in all and they now operate under the following names: Rhenus :people! Bamberg GmbH, Rhenus :people! Hof GmbH and Rhenus :people! Solingen GmbH. They specialise in the energy, automobile, IT and telecommunications sectors as well as the retail business and publishing houses at their business sites in Bamberg, Hof, Meerane, Solingen and Stralsund. They offer extensive commercial and technical services related to customer support.

“The new operating name of “Rhenus :people!” enables the two companies, which have both been gained through acquisitions, to grow together more closely and merge within the Rhenus Group,” says Olaf Remmele, Managing Director of Rhenus BPO Services. “The new name represents our ability to act as a contact partner in a service-oriented, flexible, individual, professional and solution-oriented manner.”

After being founded in 1998, :people! has been part of the Rhenus Group since January 2018. Rhenus already took over the affiliated companies KundenProfi Bamberg and Hof, which have been operating under this name since 2008, in 2016.

Rhenus Office Systems GmbH provides document, information and individual process management services: they range from incoming mail to digitalisation, archiving, data destruction and making personnel available and even include customer management, cloud and BPO solutions. Rhenus Office Systems provides support for its customers’ physical and digital information in an all-embracing manner and assists them as they implement their digital strategy. The Rhenus Group is a logistics services provider with global business operations and annual turnover of EUR 4.8 billion. Rhenus has business sites at 610 locations worldwide and employs 29,000 people.

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