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New scheduled RoRo service connects Cuxhaven with Norway

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Press Release

The Norwegian shipping company Nor Lines is launching a weekly scheduled service between Cuxhaven and Norway in April 2015. Two new RoRo vessels powered by liquefied natural gas (LNG) will be used on this service. In addition to performing the handling work, Cuxport will also operate as the clearance and booking agent. The port logistics specialist will also carry out the marketing work for Nor Lines in Germany.

The scheduled services will operate in future between Cuxhaven and a variety of Norwegian ports – from Oslo Fjord to the west coast and as far as Hammerfest in Northern Norway. This makes Cuxhaven the first German seaport where LNG-powered vessels will dock regularly. The newly built ships MV “Kvitbjørn” und MV “Kvitnos” will not only be able to handle goods on wheels, but also containers and break bulk cargo.

“The new scheduled service offers customers the best possible opportunities for supplying the Scandinavian and German markets. The ships will also call at many smaller ports in Norway and therefore serve niche markets in the north of the country, which are difficult to reach by truck because of the road conditions,” says Michael de Reese, Managing Director of Cuxport.

The ships, which are about 120 metres long and 21 metres wide, have a cargo capacity of 122 TEUs, about 1,000 lane metres – and they have an on-board crane able to lift 80 tonnes. They are also equipped with side doors for break bulk cargo and can accommodate refrigerated goods. The shipping company will make available its own pallet wide 45ft containers and 40ft rolltrailers for the new scheduled service.

The ships are particularly eco-friendly with their LNG-powered engines. The emissions given off by liquid gas are very low in comparison with other fossil fuels. The LNG freighters, for example, consume 65 percent less energy than trucks transporting the goods.

Cuxport GmbH operates a multi-functional handling terminal at the deep-water port of Cuxhaven. In addition to extensive port handling facilities, Cuxport provides an ideal geographical location for all maritime traffic and has ideal connections to destinations further inland. The company is a joint venture where Rhenus SE & Co. KG has a 74.9 percent stake and HHLA Container Terminals GmbH holds 25.1 percent of the shares. The Rhenus Group is a logistics services provider with global operations and annual turnover of EUR 4.1 billion. Rhenus has over 24,000 employees at more than 350 business locations. Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG (HHLA) is one of the leading port logistics groups operating at the North Sea ports.

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