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Handling of plant components for sustainable aviation fuel at the Rhenus Deep Sea Terminal in Rotterdam

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Rhenus News

An unprecedented handling operation took place at the Rhenus Deep Sea Terminal in Rotterdam at the beginning of February. Rhenus Port Logistics Netherlands managed the handling, storage and transportation of oversized plant components, which will be used in the production of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), for its customer, Neste.

The distinctive nature of the project lies in the dimensions of the components: one of the largest parts was almost 50 metres long and around seven metres in height and width, and weighed 730 tonnes. It was to be lifted from the MV Anna Sophie with the help of ship cranes. This size set a record for the Deep Sea Terminal, which has been operating under the Rhenus flag since 2011.

As cargo of this size is not usually handled there every day, the Rhenus team had to adapt and remove various cargoes that are stored at the terminal to make it possible to manoeuvre this large unit from the quayside to the exit of the terminal.

“We first lifted the parts with ship’s gear and placed it onto four self-propelled modular transporters (SPMTs) in order to be able to take it away from the quayside and store it temporarily at our terminal before it was transported further to the Neste jobsite, about two kilometres down the road,” explains Arnold Oostrijk, Sales Manager Breakbulk & Project Cargo at Rhenus in the Netherlands.

However, this shipment in February was not the only one necessary for completion of the project. Vessels from Europe and South-East Asia are expected to continue arriving at the Rhenus terminal for another six months, teaming up with various partners such as Nippon Express. The delivered parts are components of Neste’s new plant which will produce sustainable fuels from renewable materials, e.g. for use in aviation.

“This project’s success highlights the Rhenus Group’s dedication to environmentally friendly practices, underscoring the value of collaboration and dedication as we work towards sustainable change in the logistics industry,” says Bart-Luc Olde Hanter, Head of Business Development & IT.